Who and What Influences Us

Whilst there are many aspects to what influences us, I am looking through the lens of social influence. Who and what we choose to allow into our environment which over time will have an effect on our thinking, our mindset and actions and our outcomes.

I woke at 3am ( a time I often receive guidance from the universe) with the message “we get to choose who and what we allow to influence us”. I was given an image of a church as an example.⛪

If we choose to believe a particular faith and we surround ourselves with people of that faith and we go to a church which shares that faith’s message on a regular basis that will influence us, agree?

For many years I was part of a network marketing company ( 12 years in fact) who’s products are personal development and I loved those programs however what I was also allowing to influence me was there business model and their way of motivating us to sell/recruit more people to the business, which was to share a message of hope rather than truth.

The message was one of “ If you aren’t making at least $10k a month then you are the problem not the business model”. Whilst that may be true, I kept buying the hope and sinking thousands upon thousands of dollars into this unattainable results that wasn’t available for the majority. My bad, I should have stopped drinking the cool aide years ago.

The point is, I had handed my power away by allowing myself to be influenced by something that no longer was in alignment with my values, my principles and my beliefs.

Being a coach - there are so many in this industry genuinely trying to help coaches help other people, however the idea that one size fits all doen’t sit well with me and we don’t all want $$$ to be the driving factory. I have no issue receiving money in exchange however I want the lifestyle also. I motivated by my desire to help others, I have been as long as I can remember but I dont want to have to post on social media a zillion times a day and parade my entire life so that I might look successful.

My choice around who and what I allow to influence me is a considered small selection of people who’s message aligns and feels supportive to me.

When I look at my Instagram feed I want to be inspired and encouraged not feel shit about myself because I’m not performing at a certain level and feeling overwhelmed that I’m not doing it right.

“Be selective about your external influences. Your multi-dimensional brain is influenced by everything you see, hear, touch, smell, feel or say” Brian Tracy.

Maybe now is a great opportunity to ask yourself who and what you are allowing to influence you and maybe make a few changes.

Your nervous system will love you for it. 💚💗


Remembering who I am


Inviting Balance - Equinox Season